GFI Solutions consolidates its brand

Montreal (Quebec), February 15, 2011 – GFI Solutions Group announces that its subsidiary Fortsum Business Solutions will now be operating under the name of GFI SMB Solutions. This decision comes from the company’s drive to firmly position a strong brand, one which accurately reflects both the synergy among its various divisions and the reputation of its products, on the market. The momentum accompanying this move also provides GFI Solutions with the opportunity for a brand image overhaul, including the complete revamping of its corporate website.

“Thanks to this strategy, our clientele will now be able to easily recognize us. We want to present GFI Solutions as a information technology one-stop shop that caters to all our customers’ management solutions needs and continues to provide first-class, personalized service,” explains Gilles Létourneau, President and Chief Executive Officer of GFI Solutions. He goes on to say that, “strategically, it was time to come together and cultivate the growth we have experienced in recent years. Today, GFI Solutions comprises nearly 1,000 employees providing services to some 55,000 companies in Canada alone, to say nothing of our international clients. A quick look at our new website allows our target audience to gauge just how extensive our unique selection of IT products and services is.”

“We want all our clients and business partners to identify with the power of a company that has excellent expertise, and we want them to be able to quickly see the advantages this gives them. Our areas of activity are now quite extensive,” adds Denis Carrier (CA; CA, IT), Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer of the new GFI SMB Solutions. “Changing our company name makes sense within the framework of recent events and makes us even prouder of being an integral part of GFI Solutions.”

In keeping with its growth, GFI Solutions has ambitious future plans. In addition to entering new markets, the firm aims to actively develop e-business opportunities fostering connections among organizations of all sizes. These opportunities are possible because of the variety of sectors in which GFI Solutions operates, the critical mass of companies it serves, and the technological advantages it has in its favour today. GFI Solutions is set to become a key player in the IT industry of tomorrow.

About GFI Solutions

A leader in the Canadian IT industry, GFI Solutions Group (GFI Solutions) specializes in the design, implementation, integration, and support of business software solutions, in the development of e-business solutions, and in electronic payment, professional, and technical IT services. In business since 1988, GFI Solutions is currently experiencing an active growth phase. Its most recent acquisitions include activeMedia Développement, Fortsum Business Solutions, and Bell Business Solutions. These acquisitions have enabled the company to expand its client base internationally, conquer vertical markets, and extend its product and service offering to businesses of all sizes, as well as to municipalities and other public service organizations.

To find out more, visit GFI’s Website at

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Céline Lavoine
Conseillère, communications et relations publiques
Simard Hamel Communications
514 287-9811, poste 14
[email protected]

Dany Beaudet
Directrice des communications corporatives
Groupe GFI Solutions inc.
418 877-0088
[email protected]