ACCEO takes over from the APCHQ to market the Go-Estimations software and to provide support for all of its users

Quebec, August 31, 2017 – ACCEO Solutions Inc. (ACCEO) is taking over from the APCHQ to market the Go-Estimations software and provide support for all of its users. Originally developed by the APCHQ, a long-standing partner of ACCEO, Go-Estimations is a user-friendly tool that allows construction contractors to rapidly produce a complete and detailed estimate of the work to be done.

The level of accuracy of the estimate produced by the general or specialized contractor is a key factor in the financial and logistical success of their projects. The addition of Go-Estimations in the catalogue of products supported by ACCEO is excellent news for its clients in the construction industry.

The future of Go-Estimations is assured in the hands of ACCEO. ACCEO’s seasoned experts are available to current and future Go-Estimations users in order to provide them with complete and professional support.

About ACCEO Solutions Inc.

Leading Canadian IT company, ACCEO Solutions specializes in the design, implementation and integration of, and support for, management software; e-business development; and payment, professional, and technical services. With approximately 60,000 clients and annual revenues of more than $120 million, ACCEO is currently experiencing a period of active corporate growth. For more information, go to

About the APCHQ

Founded in 1961, the APCHQ is a private non-profit voluntary membership organization which deals with over 17,000 businesses in 14 regional associations. Until recently, it was known as the Association provinciale des constructeurs d’habitations du Québec. In 2014, it became the Association des professionnels de la construction et de l’habitation du Québec.


Mélanie Morin
Outside Sales Manager
ACCEO Solutions inc.
1 888 268-0088, ext 2280
[email protected]