Montreal, April 2, 2012 – IT industry leader GFI Solutions Group Inc. (“GFI Solutions”) is proud to announce the launch of a major funding campaign in support of la Fondation du Dr Julien. Dr Julien’s mission is to help as many needy children as possible by creating community social pediatrics centres throughout Quebec. Today, GFI also launches the website for this fundraising campaign, which visitors can consult for more information about this initiative and make a donation:
In order to actively contribute to the social pediatrics movement and la Fondation du Dr Julien, GFI Solutions has established Voir grand pour l’enfance, an initiative which lays the groundwork for the company’s social engagement in the coming years. GFI Solutions intends to carry out regular campaigns to raise funds for the cause it champions. This year, it is sponsoring some 20 people from a variety of business and community backgrounds who will climb Mount Kilimanjaro in December 2012 to raise money for underprivileged children.
The challenge is an ambitious one. The goal is to collect $100 000, the first $75 000 of which will be used to start up and maintain a new social pediatrics centre in Haute-Gaspésie. All money raised beyond this amount will be donated to the Fondation du Dr Julien to help subsidize Montreal’s two community social pediatrics centres and to promote the social pediatrics movement in Quebec.
This hopeful undertaking is the brainchild of GFI Solutions Municipal Solutions vice-president, Doryne Bourque. After crossing the Sahara desert in the 2006 Rallye Aïcha des Gazelles, Ms Bourque was inspired to climb the highest peak in Africa for a good cause.
“Dr. Julien made me aware of the pressing needs of the Haute-Gaspésie region. In spite of its breathtaking landscapes and significant number of tourists, the area is one of the most underprivileged regions in Quebec. As we all know, children are often, unfortunately, the first to suffer in bad socio-economic situations,” says project founder Ms Bourque, herself a native of Haute-Gaspésie. “Once we put forward the idea of backing the opening and maintenance of the Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Haute-Gaspésie,” she goes on to say, “everything else quickly fell into place. Aware of the importance of social pediatrics, most people with whom I spoke didn’t hesitate to adopt the cause. Today I’m happy and proud to see GFI Solutions’ keen interest in Voir grand pour l’enfance, and I’m confident that we’ll meet our objectives.”
“I’m thrilled to see businesses like GFI Solutions and the Voir grand pour l’enfance climbers mobilize to improve the lot of vulnerable children in Quebec. This kind of endeavour needs people with heart and with courage. Thanks to their generosity, the Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Haute-Gaspésie will, in 2012, be the tenth such centre to open its doors in Quebec. This commitment proves that a child’s community is a real presence in the child’s life, and that this community is increasingly taking on the responsibility for the child’s well-being,” says Dr. Gilles Julien, father of community social pediatrics.
“The Voir grand pour l’enfance – Kili 2012 challenge will give a major push to our centre, which opened its doors on January 9. We are very grateful for Doryne Bourque’s initiative and GFI Solutions’ involvement, which have made this major fund-raising campaign possible,” says Dr. René Lavigueur, the doctor in charge of the Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Haute-Gaspésie. “The money collected will allow us to add to our team of devoted volunteers and health and education professionals, who work so hard to help our region’s vulnerable children and who believe in Dr. Julien’s philosophy. We also expect to open two new service points in Sainte-Anne-des-Monts and Gros-Morne. If all goes well, the team will be able to cover all of Haute-Gaspésie by spring 2013,” he adds.
“Giving back as much as we can to the community has always been one of the values we seek to communicate to and share with our employees. We chose to focus our resources on children’s development, and particularly on the development of society’s most vulnerable children. GFI Solutions is extremely proud to be associated with Dr. Julien by launching the Voir grand pour l’enfance – Kili 2012 challenge,” points out Gilles Létourneau, president and chief executive officer of GFI Solutions. “This project has already stirred up great solidarity. Many of our employees, clients, and business partners have expressed their interest in contributing to the campaign, and some are already participating very actively. I want to thank them personally. Together we will be able to create a better environment for our children, who are the future of Quebec.”
About GFI Solutions
A leader in the Canadian IT industry, GFI Solutions (GFI Solutions) specializes in the design, implementation, integration, and support of business software solutions, in the development of e-business solutions, and in electronic payment, professional, and technical IT services. With some 55 000 clients, nearly 1000 employees, and annual revenue of over $100 million, there is no doubt that GFI Solutions is experiencing an active growth phase. Its most recent acquisitions include Tender Retail, activeMédia Développement, Fortsum Business Solutions, and Bell Business Solutions (now GFI Business Solutions). These acquisitions have enabled the company to conquer promising vertical markets and extend its product and service offering to businesses of all sizes, as well as to municipalities and other public service organizations. For more information, please go to
About the Centre de pédiatrie sociale de Haute-Gaspésie
After two years of work carried out by numerous volunteers and community members, the first service point of the Centre de pédiatrie sociale Haute-Gaspésie opened its doors in Cap-Chat on January 9, 2012. The centre faces many challenges, including the exodus of underprivileged families from big cities to outlying regions, young parents grappling with drug problems, and domestic violence: these are all factors which hamper children’s education and harm their development.
The centre’s services will be built up gradually. The first phase will support the education of children aged 5 to 8, fostering the children’s development and academic progress. The second phase will provide three- to five-year-olds with art therapy to help prepare them for schooling, encouraging their success and setting their education off on the right path so that they acquire the learning they need.
About Dr Julien’s Mission
Since the founding of the first social pediatrics centre in Montreal in 1997, Dr. Gilles Julien has inspired numerous people to mobilize and establish centres in their own communities. In 2012, the Haute-Gaspésie social pediatrics centre will be the tenth centre to open in Quebec. Through the Fondation du Dr Julien, he works to spread the community social pediatrics model across the country.
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Caroline Doyon
Senior Consultant
Simard Hamel Communications
514 287-9811, ext. 25
[email protected]
Doryne Bourque
Founder, Voir grand pour l’enfance – Kili 2012
GFI Solutions Group Inc.
T. 514-868-0333 ; 1 800 361-3607, ext. 3600
[email protected]
Emilie Russo
Communications Consultant
Fondation du Dr Julien
514 528-8488, ext. 253
[email protected]
Claire Fortin
Chair of the Board
Centre de pédiatrie sociale Haute-Gaspésie
1 418 786-5553, ext. 7184