Secured Online Backup

The backup solution offering the best data management service at the best price

One service, two practical functions

  • Ensure complete data protection at all times
  • Easily retrieve previous versions (any up to 60 days prior) of your modified documents

It’s simple math: weighed against the risk of data loss, Secured Online Backup is always the most money-saving option.

Stored Data Monthly Price
up to 5 GB* $14.95 (3 months free)
up to 10 GB $19.95
up to 20 GB $24.95
up to 30 GB $29.95
up to 40 GB $34.95

* Limited time offer. Additional charges apply if the data size exceeds 5 GB.
**ACCEO Solutions makes sure that data has been successfully backed up up every working day.

Packages of 500 GB and over also available.

Why choose ACCEO Solutions’ Secured Online Backup service?

  • The confidentiality and security of your data are guaranteed.
  • Your data integrity is closely monitored.
  • Minimal bandwidth is used so as not to interfere with Internet navigation.
  • Your data is entrusted to a local company known for its high-quality services and support.
Application installed on your computer by a technician X
Monitoring of integrity of data transferred to server X
Number of backup operations possible Unlimited
Backup frequency Unlimited
Full backup daily X
Copy of files in use (Volume Shadow Copy) X
Guarantee of data storage in Canada (ensuring protection from USA Patriot Act) X
Did you know…?
  • Ninety-three per cent of companies which lose their data for a period of 10 days or more will go bankrupt within the year. (1)
  • Thirty-one per cent of PC users have, at some point, lost all their computer data as a result of circumstances beyond their control. (2)
  • Recovery of data from a defective hard drive can cost up to $7500, and results are not guaranteed. (3)

(1) National Archives and Record Administration (Washington)
(2) Home Office Computing Magazine
(3) David M. Smith, PhD. “The Importance of Investing in the Ounce of Prevention.” The Cost of Data, 2003